

¥158,000 tax included

Pre-Order Item

Expected shipping date: 01/18/2025 ~ 02/18/2025

* Please remember this item is only sold from 12/30/2024 14:00 to 01/30/2025 23:59.

Shipping fee is not included. More information.

This item can be shipped outside of Japan.

1999年、青山ブックセンターと福岡夢美術館にて開催された椎名英姫の伝説の初個展「No filter Only eyes 〜愛の在処〜」の会場にメイン作品の対となる作品として公開された本作。当時会場では2mにも及ぶ圧巻の巨大木製パネルにて公開された。当時公開されたビンテージプリントは非売品であったが、長年のリクエストに応え、20数年ぶりに今回完全オリジナルプリントとして復刻限定販売される。

作品サイズ: A3(297×420mm) 外寸280×400mm

仕様: 木製パネル加工

※ 美術展仕様の木製パネルに最高級のクリスタルプリントを焼き付けた、絵画のキャンバスのようにパネルのまま室内に飾って頂ける仕様となっています

限定オリジナルプリント: 作者直筆サインとシリアルナンバー入り

※パネルの裏側には、オリジナルプリントの証明として、作者(紫いな えい姫)による直筆のサインとシリアルナンバーが入った特別仕様です。




This work was exhibited as a counterpart to the main work at Eihi Shiina's legendary first solo exhibition "No filter Only eyes - Where love is" held at the Aoyama Book Center and Fukuoka Yume Museum of Art in 1999. At the time, the work was displayed on a huge wooden panel as large as 2 meters. The vintage print shown at the time was not for sale, but in response to longstanding requests, it is now being reprinted and sold in limited edition as a completely original print for the first time in more than 20 years.

Size: A3 (297×420mm), outer dimension 280×400mm, thickness 24mm

Specifications: Wooden panel

The highest quality "crystal print" is used for print and it is put onto a wooden panel of art exhibition specifications. The product can be displayed in your room like paintings painted on canvas without using a frame.

Limited original print: with autograph of the artist and serial numbers

* As a proof of original prints, the products are autographed and numbered by the artist (Eihi Shiina).

All items in this store are made to order production and they are produced in which pre-orders are received

* Approximate shipping date
Orders on December . 30(pre-order) → Expected shipping date:January . 18.
Orders on January . 30 (pre-order) → Expected shipping date:February . 18.

For more information about delivery time, please visit:

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¥158,000 tax included
